I am a Principal Research Engineer in the Bioinformatics Core Facility of Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences at Linkoping University, Sweden and working also with Clinical Genomics, Linköping - a Science for Life (SciLifeLab) node, Sweden. I am engaged with developing scripts to automatise and analysed different biological big data analysis including human DNA methylation data from clinical samples using Illumina arrays, whole-genome sequencing, Nanopore long-read sequencing, Twists’ targeted panels with R, python, tidyverse and visualisation of results.
- Expertise in analysis and interpretation of large-scale data
- Proven expertise in different database handling and analysing information
- Experience in open source software system
- Expertise on short-read and long-read sequencing data analysis and interpretation
- High performance and cloud computing experience
- Experience in management of different projects at a time
- Result oriented approach and ability to learn new skills
- Development of user-friendly applications.
Research interests
- Structural and functional genomics
- Epigenetics: MicroRNAs and DNA Methylation
- Big data analysis
- Short and Long read sequencing
- Cluster and Cloud Computing