
Upcoming projects

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methylR: a single shiny solution from sequencer data to pathway analysis

GitHub link

GMS-Artic: A containerized NextFlow pipeline for detecting Pangolin Typing by analysing SARS-CoV-2 whole genome from short and long sequence reads

GitHub link

Developing a nextflow pipeline for DNA methylation from Nanopore sequencing.

Completed projects

Process-engineered synthesis of ultrasmall gold nanoparticles

Methylome analysis for prediction of long and short-term survival in glioblastoma patients

Proteomic profiling of Olfactomedin-4 marked human neutrophil subset

Past projects

Postdoctoral projects

Machine Learning algorithm to identify bio-signatures from tuberculosis-exposed and non-exposed individuals.

Identification of Differential Methylation patterns of tuberculosis patients, household contacts and healthy participants.

Reduced Representation of Bisulfite Sequencing (RRBS) data analysis from tuberculosis-exposed samples in different cell types.

Alveolar cell type deconvolution

GitHub link

SARS-CoV-2 and epigenetics

GitHub link

Image Processing with MATLAB

GitHub link

Doctoral projects

Complex-forming proteins escape the robust regulations of miRNA in human

Insights into the miRNA regulations in human disease genes

Explicating the role of old miRNAs in human disease progression

[ceRNA networks in hCML and hAML]

Master project

Identification of ILP markers in Setaria italica

Bachelor projects

Iron chelation for beta thalassemia patients

Kingfishers of Sudarbans